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AsrielSoul's News

Posted by AsrielSoul - 1 day ago

Given the slow progress of Starters Remix and CutoutStory, I'd like to try to release something to the public to give people something to watch, along with acquiring further animation practice, so I have a mostly retro feeling, CutoutStory orientated animation in the works that I know people will like. Here is a "preview image" to hype it up (I will continue making progress on Remix as soon as I can, and I apologize once more for the slow progress. I will get things done, and I'll make sure it won't take another two years).



Posted by AsrielSoul - 2 weeks ago

Prior to the main (mostly minor) announcement, I'm going to screenshot my last announcement in the server. It's short, but possibly more relevant in terms of conveying the speed of production in tandem to this one (for context, "Bulbasaur" is my friend acefox. He is a huge contributor in terms of creating Vector Graphics in Moho for the Remix project, and without him, progress would be a lot slower, so I genuinely appreciate his dedication and contribution to the project. In the server our pictures and names are set to Starters Remix characters (screenshots from the Intro) to passively hype up the project further. If you would like to join the CutoutStory Discord server, there is a link on my website at the bottom of my About page).

(I'm going to from now on screenshot announcements I make in the server for simplicity, but if it contains an image, I will distinctly put it below the screenshot when I make a post.)



Here is the announcement I made a bit ago.





Posted by AsrielSoul - 1 month ago

(For context, Starters Remix is a side project of mine. A brief description of it can be found on the main page for CutoutStory: Starters (Rewrite & Remastered) on my website. The text below is the announcement I made in the chat room for CutoutStory.)

After a long while of waiting, I've whipped up the first iteration of the Starters Remix Intro. This side series will be a great help with my own animation skills, as I definitely need to get accustom to how Dane animates so I can mimic it better. Expect Episode 1 in a few months (at minimum. It depends on how long things take). Remix will be uploaded to my site, and to Newgrounds like with CutoutStory (mainly to see if posting to Newgrounds is worth it for me, and if they will be cringe or not).

CutoutStory is still in the works, but progress is still sort of at a standstill. I'm still not used to undertaking such large projects, so bare with me (even if it's been 2-3 years lel).

Anyway, here's the links to each respective upload (the website file is webm, and the Newgrounds one is mp4.




Posted by AsrielSoul - October 22nd, 2024

The message below is pasted from an announcement in my server. Has been slightly altered for Newgrounds.

I updated the previous voice reel and added some lore at the end of it. In context to the lore, some of what's said is sort of known amongst the producers or otherwise, and has been discussed before, but I've decided to mention said things more publicly (including a few things I don't think I've stated publicly, but idk lel. I already forgot most of what I said in the video, but it's likely minor repeats).

It has mostly some minor updates (A few extra lines for some characters, and some changes with some voice lines and a few songs, along with newly added songs), and the lore I mentioned prior. Anyway, going forward I will aim to avoid being a broken record with a lot of this stuff (if anyone thinks I am anyway, and if I can recall what has been said and what hasn't. Would have to check back depending on what it is, as my memory isn't great).

I'll get back to work on things. Just kick me enough times or something if you're feeling up to it, idk lmao.




Posted by AsrielSoul - July 13th, 2024


Posted by AsrielSoul - March 31st, 2024


The main site isn't complete, but the wiki is up and finally functional.

Still need to add things to it. If anyone encounters any issues, please let me know, and I'll fix it when I have the time.


Posted by AsrielSoul - March 3rd, 2024

For context, this prior portion is an update to this post.

Starters (Rewrite & Remastered) is officially continuing production, and along with this, I present what I have to say below.


I’m looking for artists to assist with the drawing/remastering of the Cutout style (Characters, Backgrounds, Props, Assets, etc.) This is a passion project, so no pay will be offered. Anyone who takes interest can contact me on Discord (that being kyronsaif). Due to how I am handling very specific aspects of how my projects will function, said person will undergo a form of initiation/interview of sorts, which will consist of questions you will have to answer, and depending on how that turns out, you will be allowed to assist with the project.

I look forward to seeing this project succeed in the long run (I’ve been looking forward to a form of continuation of sorts to the Starters series in a more abstract and potentially unique form since Middle School). The idea for this project really only sprung up a few years prior, and I’m happy to be able to make something of this magnitude, and I hope to produce this series with those we find along the way.



Posted by AsrielSoul - December 20th, 2023

After a long time coming (I alluded to this post on Nov 15th, 2023, in the Author Comments of Preview on what's to come) my website is finally up and functioning as it should (as far as I know).

Given the fact I now have my own area to post content, music, etc. going forward, I will no longer be using Newgrounds to post my music. Any and all of my music (when I actually set it up properly with an index listing of the folder) will be at https://projects.kyronsaif.com/music/.This will even include unreleased, incomplete, prototype, and abandoned music of mine that I have laying around that I will release to the public. Eventually, I will be taking down my tracks here on Newgrounds, as I'd prefer to self host, and it's redundant.

As for things like Starters (Rewrite & Remastered)...

To be completely blunt, I am honestly disappointed with how modern day Newgrounds is with certain things. So with that being said, once I get to the point where I can post a trailer, I will see if it ever passes the 3 star requirement to continue being public. If it doesn't end up doing so, expect to exclusively find that, the teasers, and actual episodes, over on starters.kyronsaif.com.

Speaking of Starters, I feel I should mention another side-project I plan to do on my own (for the most part). Essentially, I am going to make a sort of "spin-off series", called Starters: Remix (which can be eventually found at starters.kyronsaif.com/remix, which is essentially a combination of Dane Powroznik's Starters (with some included Starters (Rewrite & Remastered) characters), and what the old Sonic Sprite videos you'd see on YouTube were (To clear some confusion no, this isn't a crossover. I'm taking a preexisting concept from a different series (Sonic Sprites, or as others referred to it as a series: The SSS Show.) and applying that to Starters. In essence, this derives from the formerly known "Southpark" aesthetic. The cutout animation will remain, but the humor, "story" (which is what actually happens) is vastly different.

Branching off of that, any, and all videos that aren't distinct like Starters, or any projects of mine, will be uploaded to libre.kyronsaif.com. Eventually, I will be uploading a video to YouTube about this, however, this isn't just any video...

That video, will officially be the last YouTube video I ever make, Period.

After an extended period of time (after I re-upload my videos to my site), and the site has been around to where there's a few videos on it already (that are distinct from re-uploads), I will be officially deleting my YouTube channel, as I have no intention to upload there anymore.

To continue, I'd also like to give you all an important message that's from my close friend and associate, Maestro, that holds a great deal of relevance:

I don't think enough people understand the ramifications of artists, associated producers, modern day "content creators", and the audience just defaulting to using the major online platforms (Y'know Youtube and Reddit (and yes, Newgrounds is part of that, either indirectly or otherwise) among others), where, even if we ignore the various exploiting of everything by big tech companies you hear about, what I think a lot of people fail to understand is that, at the end of the day, we gave them that power. Power that, they are more than happy to pretend they were born with. Granted, pushing back against that "power" is not easy by any stretch of the imagination, but the lack of effort all around is really just not helping, and in tandem, more effort could be put in. So, support non-monolithic platforms and the artists bold enough to prioritize them, and maybe consider becoming one of those two if it suits you.

With all of that being said, if anyone reading this even sort of wants to pursue Computing Freedom, feel free to contact my friend/myself directly on Matrix.

Our IDs are:



We also have a Matrix room dedicated to further informing and helping people achieve Computing Freedom.

A link that will redirect to the invite link can be found here:


If you got this far, I thank you all for taking the time to read this. And with all of that being said, I'll see you guys over there.

- Kyron Saif


Posted by AsrielSoul - September 23rd, 2023

To keep things brief, the state of Starters (Rewrite & Remastered) isn’t really good considering I aim to have Episode 1 out by the end of the year, so I figured I’d reach out and ask for help. I will quote the announcement I made in the Project's Discord Server.

I feel the need to ping given the importance of what this entails regarding the overall project. I need someone (if anyone is willing to do so, has the time, and can try to keep up) that can assist with the actual drawing of the redesigned characters (Said characters have to be drawn accurately to Dane's style (I will specify in detail to whoever decides to help). I can sort of be a guide on that, as I don't want just any art style for what is actually shown in the series), and background assets. The main artist has a lot going on, and the person who was willing to help with the background assets hasn't gotten back to me about that, or even what I was going to discuss with them, which correlates to this announcement. If we go off what I said a while back, and the first Episode of Starters (Rewrite & Remastered) is going to be expected by the end of 2023, It is a must that I have at least some form of outside help, as I myself won't have the time, nor do I have the patience to learn how to draw (even using Line Tool is annoying to me). In short, I need another artist, if not more than two, since the pacing of this project is kind of screwed if nothing is done lol, plus I've been focused on other things (which is my fault), so I feel the need to pick things up, as other things are coming in the future, such as a properly hosted webserver for https://kyronsaif.com/, and I have plans to get a job eventually, so that will give me less time to do things. I'm also one of the main animators of the project, which makes things even slower in the grand scheme of things. Sure, I'll be getting help, but the person who is helping me is also the main artist, and given what was said, it may not turn out well if it's just us two working on this project in that aspect. So if you (or someone you know) would be willing to help, please let me know, as I have no intentions of cancelling this project, and I want to see it succeed among my other projects.

If nothing comes of this, then I'm expecting to have this project remain silent for a while. Since I do other things outside of this.


Posted by AsrielSoul - August 24th, 2023

To give a few updates on some things:

  • The project is technically still in a hiatus-like state until my friend and I are able to finish the redesigns (and get someone that's able to do backgrounds, props, etc) to be able to start animating the Trailer and Episode 1.
  • The actual script for the story still needs to be revised from it's original dumpster fire fanfictiony state.
  • I've uploaded Unexpected Encounter which is Retributions theme, along with a variation containing voice lines. Alongside Lavender, which is Lavender Town's theme.
  • Be sure to check out the Starters (Rewrite & Remastered) Fandom Wiki for lore on the series if you want some form of spoilers, as I plan to maintain it, then eventually self host it on my website.
  • In the future (hopefully before the end of the year), once things are coded for my website, expect to be visiting starters.kyronsaif.com, mainly for anything relating to the remaster. Episodes along with each Teaser, the Official Teaser Trailer, or anything related, will be uploaded mainly to my website, then to Newgrounds, so stay tuned for that.
  • I also made minor changes to Climactic Battle Between the Two Halves of Phaaze in terms of mixing.
