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AsrielSoul's News

Posted by AsrielSoul - August 23rd, 2023

I've been proven wrong and I have elaborated on everything that needs to be elaborated on in the new video that I have linked below. Nothing more needs to be said here, or anywhere really about this, and what was previously thought to be an actual situation is now being shut down, and moved on from. Any further discussion of this is redundant, and changes nothing. I will strive to improve upon how I handle situations regarding actual pedophiles (via moral or legal standards independently), and will figure out on how to make an attempt to decipher if it's an actual situation, or something like this to where you physically cannot tell the difference.

(The first original video has been made private)


Original Post:

Just a bit of a heads up.

There was this guy named Kenny the Fennekin who was initially going to help me with Starters (Rewrite & Remastered), that turned out to "like kids" in the not okay sense.

Instead of me sitting here and making a long dragged on post about it, here's a 50 minute video I posted to YouTube:



Posted by AsrielSoul - July 14th, 2023

Teaser #2 has been released.


Posted by AsrielSoul - July 8th, 2023

Teaser #1 has been released.


Posted by AsrielSoul - July 2nd, 2023

Currently the Trailer for the series is a focus, and we haven't yet made the remastered character designs yet.

I intend to have Episode 1 out by the end of the year, but in the mean time, I'll give some extra info in regards to the Soundtrack.

If anyone takes interest in the project itself, wants access to music that isn't even posted yet (most are spoilers, so be wary if you care about that), and get inside information (that I'm willing to actually share publicly), there is an Official Discord Server for this project, that I encourage anyone who does take interest in said project to join.


Posted by AsrielSoul - June 27th, 2023

I have uploaded a video discussing the topic of Computing Freedom.

It is a very niche topic, but holds a lot of importance, and I recommend you watch the entire thing.

Unfortunately the video has been removed from Newgrounds, and while it is still on YouTube, I plan to host it on my website when I'm able to do so.



Posted by AsrielSoul - April 26th, 2023

I randomly felt like doing this, but while I don't have anything in terms of the actual release date, or any real progress on animation, VA, character drawings, etc etc, I've decided to make a wiki page on the Movieunleashers fandom wiki about one of the main protagonists in the series: Faizen. I should unfortunately note, that this isn't a full on "true to life" remaster of Dane Powroznik’s Starters, and I apologize for that. This is actually part of a much bigger project of mine that I cannot give any spoilers on (which is why Faizen exists to begin with. Again, I can't give any spoilers). Anyway, with all of that being said, here is the link to the page (CONTAINS SPOILERS. IF YOU DON'T WANT SPOILERS THEN AVOID READING):


The page for Faizen is no longer being maintaned on the Movieunleashers wiki.

You can find the page here:



Posted by AsrielSoul - April 6th, 2023

(This is a bit of a random thing, and I'm not sure where else to post this.)

This is a tutorial of sorts on how to use the GameCube A/V cable on a Wii. I'm unsure if one already exists, but I felt like making my own. This isn't entirely useful, but it can be helpful in certain situations, or if you want to just mess around with things. Hopefully this helps anyone out who is looking to do this.

Please consider leaving a comment letting me know how it went, since I haven't tested the clean cut way of doing this, and I'm unsure if it will function the same. I can update this post if needed to fix anything I may have messed up as well.


This mod involves cutting a portion the plastic connector on an old GameCube A/V cable. Only do this mod if you don’t care for the cable’s original condition, and wish to use it on your Wii (and if you for whatever reason don’t own an A/V cable for the Wii.)

I am not responsible for what happens, so please be careful. (Even if this tutorial is roughly made.)

For reference, here are two pictures of all three cables. They are in the same order in each image. (Ignore the condition of the cables outside the modding. Two of these cables I’ve had for many many years sitting around, so I don’t bother actually cleaning them since I don’t really use them):



As you can see, the modified cable looks damaged, but it does work. I used a pocket knife for the rough mod I did initially, so that’s why it looks that way.

If you go to put in the A/V cable into the Wii right now, you’ll immediately notice a problem, That being: It doesn’t fit due to the cable being shaped differently, and probably because of the size of the connector itself. (I honestly don’t know if sanding it to the same shape will let it fit in. But even then the connector may not fit entirely, I’m unsure. I forget when I was initially testing the connector throughout the initial mod)


With the modded cable (below), you can see that it has more than enough room to plug into the port. (The somewhat bent pins still make the proper connections.)


Now, the first thing to note is the layout of the pins so you know exactly where to cut. (I want to say all the layouts are the same, but you’d have to look at your cable up close to make sure) The pins are marked in the middle with blue lines.


To achieve this, (In a much cleaner fashion from what I can gather), you will want to sand off the top lip that is jutting out of the cable that usually slides into the GameCube port. (The red is showing the lip, and the blue is showing the already removed lip)



Once that is done, you will want to turn your attention to the inside of the connector once more.


If we refer back to the Pin Layout image, There are 5 pins inside the connector, two are in pairs, and one is in the right center in-between the pairs on the top (It's kind of hard to see the actual pin, but the blue line is there). Where you will be focusing is the “dead-zone” that lacks any pins on the left, as shown in the dark blue squares. (There is something that does look like a pin on the left on the modified one, but I think that’s just something inside the connector and not an actual pin that sticks out)

You want to cut an L shape in the connector being sure to avoid the pins. (You don’t have to cut all the way to the base of the plastic as seen with the modified cable plugged into the Wii. This isn’t entirely accurate, but it gives you a rough idea as to where you’d cut.) The top two images show where you’d cut to avoid the pins. The bottom two show roughly how you’d cut the L in the plastic. (Once you actually cut through the plastic in a straight line, you’ll basically want to remove the rest of the plastic on the dead side.


Here is the same example but with the modified cable. You can see that in doing this with just a pocket knife (It wasn't even a good one) with only physical reference and not knowing much about what your doing, you might end up bending the pins in some fashion, but at least they still work in my case.


Once you've done that, you'll notice that there is a lot more space for the connector to fit into the port, and it should slide right in (hopefully). Here's the space on mine.



Here's the Wii's Component Cable plugged into the Wii in comparison.


And that's basically it. It does function and there doesn't seem to be a ton of differences between the two (The GC A/V Cable might be brighter, idk) Here's a comparison between the Component and GC A/V Cables (Playing Super Mario 64 to test this):


I had cable tied the modified cable to show that it really was plugged into the Wii & the TV, and it isn't some other cable. While the component cable is hard to see behind the TV, but it is there. Due to the quality of my mod and how I did it, nudging it in certain ways will make the signal be disconnected briefly.


Posted by AsrielSoul - March 30th, 2023



(Stay tuned for things to come, since this is the beginning (kind of, not really lol). I have big plans involving Starters (not the original series exactly, but I'll touch upon that later.) on my end (I also have 0 involvement with the original Starters series).


Posted by AsrielSoul - March 24th, 2023

Since I don't think I've stated this here (at most I've stated it in the PhrozenFans server), but Bosonic Endeavors will be coded in Rust using an early on game engine called Blue_Engine. I actually haven't been coding in a few weeks since I keep getting distracted by other things. I'm mostly coding this on my own but I am getting some help from the creator of the engine with some things. I've barely gotten a movable sprite for Thavidu working just yet, but it does render with the Overworld at least :P. (Couldn't get a screenshot myself since the program crashes upon opening it, so I found a screenshot that the engine creator sent me and cropped it to just the game.) The Thavidu sprites I'm using were from the PhrozenFlame 3 I tried making in RPG Maker. I have to code UVs and such for it to be aligned properly so all the sprites aren't on screen at once. (And I need to make that transparent area not be black.)



Posted by AsrielSoul - February 4th, 2023

I don't usually do much on here, but I feel I should post an update of sorts. This isn't exactly a new thing (considering I've made this years ago), but I have a Discord server for anything IP Studios related (That being: PhrozenFlameRPG I & II, EgoCity, and The Forums). I should mention that while I am posting this for any fans of such to join, (while this wouldn't be for a very long time), I don't intend to stick with using Discord at a certain point, however I'll worry about that part later. For now, though the server doesn't have much activity, It is a nice place to gather if you are looking for others to discuss anything from the franchise with. In addition, I am working on a remaster of sorts for the things listed above. To keep things simple, I will quote one of my more recent pings in the server:

Hey, so its been a little while since I've pinged, or even spoke in this server, but I felt like I should let everyone know (that's interested in PF 1, 2, and the currently nonexistent 3rd game, Ego City, and The Forums), that I do have big plans in the future, for a PhrozenFlame 3, plus PhrozenFlame, Ego City, and The Forums as a franchise. While I wont give too much information (and yes, I am basically somewhat pulling a Metroid Prime 4, to where they announced the game in 2017, then gave little to no info afterward for years. But my reasoning is that I'm on and off working on it by myself, so don't expect anything for quite some time. Oh and I procrastinate), I will give you all some information on what I'm planning.

My plan is to essentially re-write the entire story of PF 1 & 2, EgoCity, and The Forums, and put them into a singular game which will be known as Bosonic Endeavors (at first the name seemed like a placeholder, however I do enjoy it so I may stick with it.) I haven't planned how the stories will go exactly (re-writes will have to be done since literally all three franchises have a very inconsistent and confusing story based on what I've seen), but the structure may be somewhat similar to Sonic 06 gameplay wise, to where it would have Thavidu's story, Johnny's story, etc. (Not entirely sure on the idea, but I'll have to expand upon it). Eventually, the stories will intertwine (kind of like at the end of SA2B), and things completely unseen in the previous games will be present, including the obvious new characters, and using the original Bosonic Theory to my advantage and tying it into the story more. OG Characters like Vex, Zero, Scar, InZane, Rachel, etc. will still be present, since I have 0 plans to remove older characters that resided in the original game and flash animations. I myself have been working on the soundtrack for the game, and I have a ton of work to do on it, and may post them to Newgrounds in the future.

Here is the link to the server:

